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KFM audio demos

K2600All audio demos are in MP3 format. You can get an MP3 player from mp3.com. Click (on Mac) or left-click (on PC) to play the demos. Click and hold and 'Download link to disk' (on Mac) or right-click and 'Save as...' (on PC) to download them.

The following sounds are all comprised in the KFM Collection for Kurzweil Forte, PC3K, PC3A, PC3, PC3LE and K2600/K2661.

The sounds marked with '°' are also comprised in the KFM Selection (for PC1, PC2, K2500 and K2000; read more).

FM synthesis based:
Full tines (88 KB) °
Harpsichord (88 KB) °
Harmonica (100 KB)
MultiWaves (180 KB) °
Round lead (108 KB) °
Double electric piano (208 KB) °
Carillon (104 KB) °
Caliope (108 KB)
Electric kick (148 KB) °
Electric bass (72 KB)
Tubular bells (124 KB) °
Toy piano (64 KB)
Steel drums (120 KB) °
Harp (108 KB)
Karimba (148 KB)
Additive synthesis based:
Vibraphone (120 KB) °
Listen to the gorgeous song 'Soma' by KFM user Kirk Dupont, which incorporates the 'Tinkle' and 'Round lead' sounds from the KFM Collection.


KFM demo program

Download the 'Tubular bells' program from the KFM Collection and the KFM Selection, load it into your Kurzweil instrument and try it yourself. And make sure to explore the controllers! Click and hold and 'Download link to disk' (on Mac) or right-click and 'Save as...' (on PC) to download.

tubbells.for for Forte, Forte 7 and Forte SE
tubbells.pc3 for PC3K, PC3A, PC3 and PC3LE
tubbells.k26 for K2600 and K2661
tubbells.krz for K2000 and K2500
tubbells.pc2/.mid/.syx for PC1x, PC161, PC1se or PC2


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